Little boat

Little boat
  • ƒ/11
  • -0.7
  • 1/1800s
  • ISO 640
  • 38.348618 -0.476987

Mars is calling

Mars is calling
  • ƒ/6.4
  • -0.3
  • 1/3200s
  • ISO 640
  • 38.714363 -1.012368

Black and white

Black and white
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/2000s
  • ISO 640
  • 36.72019 -4.420267

Placebo umbrella

Placebo umbrella
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/2200s
  • ISO 640
  • 36.717473 -4.41305

Stop that hat!

Stop that hat!
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/680s
  • ISO 640
  • 37.174383 -3.584452


  • ƒ/2
  • 0.7
  • 1/7500s
  • ISO 640
  • 37.181283 -3.592588


  • ƒ/2
  • 0.7
  • 1/12000s
  • ISO 640
  • 37.181188 -3.592062


  • ƒ/2
  • 1/1600s
  • ISO 640
  • 40.412028 -3.70993

Hydration station

Hydration station
  • ƒ/2
  • -0.3
  • 1/25000s
  • ISO 640
  • 40.415515 -3.707807


I have been updating dependencies and getting ready to add a few more cups. I always find it interesting how quickly side projects can become stale if you don't spend time on them regularly; this may be worth a longer post.

Shoreditch Grind

We (finally) have a swimming Tiki lamp!

Building this little lamp has been awesome! We did a TERRIBLE job casting the resin, and the finish of the piece could be a lot better. But now Marco and Alex have the coolest resin lamp 💖

We also had some time to work on other characters from the game.

Bay Bridge(s)

Bay Bridge(s)
  • ƒ/16
  • 1/600s
  • ISO 640
  • 37.821088 -122.33141

Stray characters

Stray characters

I have tried to merge all my photo collections in a single place for months. Photo storage services make data export incredibly frustrating. Some services send you images and metadata in different files, and it is up to you to merge that information.

Flickr is one of those services. Their data export was waiting in my Downloads folder for weeks, and today I decided it was time to cross this task from the list. After a bit of JavaScript and some ExifTool magic, I got over 1200 pictures ready for review.

I rediscovered that, between 2005 to 2014, I took a good amount of pictures of urban typography.

I know how it started. Back in 2003, I got a copy of America Sánchez’s Barcelona Gráfica. The book clusters lettering, typography, and signals that represent the character of the city. I liked the idea of treating the urban environment as a graphic canvas.

I don’t know why I stopped, though. I enjoyed the letter hunting and still enjoy those pictures, so I created a silly site.

Light/Dark mode, the CSS-variable way

Light/Dark mode, the CSS-variable way

Choosing colors is hard. Adapting the color mode of your website to your users' preferences is (it should) not.

For this deceivingly short recipe, you will need a couple of ingredients: CSS variables and the media feature prefers-color-scheme.

  1. You can define your color variables and their values for light (default) and dark modes in your CSS file:
:root {
  --text: #333333;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    --text: #ffffff;
  1. Then you can use those variables in your CSS declarations:
element {
  color: var(--text);
  1. And that's it! Your website will react to the user's color theme preference.

You can play with a simple but functional example in this Codepen; fidget with your OS appearance preferences to see colors change. This foundation also works like a charm in more complex scenarios:

Capturing beyond 16384px

Capturing beyond 16384px

I'm screenshotting programmatically a bunch of very very long pages, and I noticed that some captures were coming back full of white patches. For days I tried to find the source of the problem. Do images have enough time to load? Is there any CSS property in the page that is causing a misrender? What about animations?

It turns out chromium has a hard time processing images over 16384px, so you need to capture-scroll-repeat and stitch the result.

This approach brings other fun problems to the table:

  • Capturing sticky headers and footers (solved!)
  • Fixed sidebar repetition (no clue how to work around this problem sustainably)
  • Animations loops in the seams of captures (🤷🏼‍♂️)

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